The Office of the County Mayor is responsible for coordinating the ThreeStar Program for Jefferson County. Our county has been a proud participant of the ThreeStar program for over 30 years.
ThreeStar serves to promote economic and community prosperity through local and state collaboration to positively impact every Jefferson County resident and visitor. Through participation in the ThreeStar program, Jefferson County is strategically positioned to prepare for the future of Jefferson County.
Participation in the ThreeStar program is based on an annual evaluation and activity plan updates. Local community leaders and the Joint Economic and Community Development Board work together to implement priority goals that will have an impact on Jefferson County communities. Updates of activities are reported to TNECD quarterly with a biennial stakeholder planning session led by the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development.
Participation in ThreeStar is required for Jefferson County (including cities and towns withing the county) to participate in state programs including Tennessee Main Street, Tennessee Downtowns, TNECD Tourism Enhancement Grant, TN Placemakers Entrepreneurship Program, Select TN Property Evaluation Program, Site Development Grant Program, Marketing Assistance Program, and others.
Jefferson County (including cities and towns) are eligible for CDBG and FASTTrack Incentive discount (for eligible projects) on the business development ability-to-pay match calculation. A ThreeStar bonus amount is also calculated on eligible funded projects.
To date, Jefferson County has participated in 20 different programs, with 52 awards, totaling more than $22.5 million dollars from the Community and Rural Development Division. This includes:
- CDBG match totaling $494,000.00 in savings.
- Participation in the Site Development Grant Program to assist in developing the Jefferson City Industrial Complex. Resulting in a savings of $590,000.
- Through our community stakeholders, Jefferson County participated in the TNECD Marketing Assistance Program (MAP). The partnership of this program produced a website, video and photo database that is used to share Jefferson County’s assets, a value of over $18,000.
- Commercial Façade Grant $150K
- Historic Development Grant $300K
For more information, please contact LeAnn Sutton, Director of Community Relations and Special Projects, Office of the County Mayor.
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN to all Jefferson County Residents and all others who may be interested that the following meeting dates have been set for the 2024 year for the Jefferson County Joint Economic and Community Development Board:
- Friday, February 23, 2024
- Friday, May 10, 2024
- Friday, August 23, 2024
- Friday, November 8, 2024
All meetings will be held at 8:00 a.m. at Bush’s Café, 3901 Hwy 411, Dandridge, TN 37725.
NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of the Tennessee Open Meetings Act (Sunshine Law) found
in T.C.A. § 8-44-101 et seq.
Mayor Mark Potts, Secretary
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN to all Jefferson County Residents and all others who may be interested that the following meeting dates have been set for the 2023 year.
Jefferson County Joint Economic and Community Development Board
- May 19, 2023
- June 23, 2023
- August 25, 2023
- November 17, 2023
All meetings will be held at 8:00 a.m. at Perkins Restaurant located at 501 Patriot Drive, Dandridge, TN 37725.
NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of the Tennessee Open Meetings Act (Sunshine Law) found in T.C.A. § 8-44-101 et seq.
Mayor Mark Potts, Secretary