The Jefferson County Sanitation Department operates the county landfill and nine waste disposal convenience centers for county residents.  The Landfill and Convenience Centers operate through county taxes and commercial fees. 

 Notice of Meeting of the Sanitation Commission of Jefferson County, Tennessee 

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sanitation Commission of Jefferson County, Tennessee (the “County”) will meet in regular, open and public session at the Jefferson County Sanitation Office located at 650 Grove Road, Dandridge, TN at 4:30 p.m., on Monday, March 24, 2025, for the purpose of considering all matters as may be properly presented to it. If a member of the public desires to speak at the meeting, he or she may do so in the manner provided in the Jefferson County’s public input policy. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Sections 8-44-101 to 8-44-106, inclusive, Tennessee Code Annotated.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Solid Waste Regional Planning Board of Jefferson County, Tennessee (the “County”) will meet in regular, open and public session at the Jefferson County Sanitation Office located at 650 Grove Road, Dandridge, TN at 5:00 p.m., on Monday, March 24, 2025, for the purpose of considering all matters as may be properly presented to it. If a member of the public desires to speak at the meeting, he or she may do so in the manner provided in the Jefferson County’s public input policy. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Sections 8-44-101 to 8-44-106, inclusive, Tennessee Code Annotated.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sanitation Commission of Jefferson County, Tennessee (the “County”) will meet in regular, open and public session at the Jefferson County Sanitation Office located at 650 Grove Road, Dandridge, TN at 4:30 p.m., on Monday, April 21st, 2025, for the purpose of considering all matters as may be properly presented to it. If a member of the public desires to speak at the meeting, he or she may do so in the manner provided in the Jefferson County’s public input policy. A copy of that policy is available online at This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Sections 8-44-101 to 8-44-106, inclusive, Tennessee Code Annotated.



Jefferson County Sanitation is experiencing an overfull condition in the Class III/IV construction/demolition landfill.  We are actively pursuing a permit modification that increases our capacity.  This process could take 4 – 8 months to finalize.  Therefore,


Jefferson County citizens may continue to dispose Class III/IV waste in some small areas that have not reached capacity.  Citizen disposal can continue so long as space remains.  Citizen limits may be established to extend disposal ability.

Commercial entities may, as one option, choose to dispose of their waste at

Lakeway Sanitation Landfill
5155 Enka Hwy
Morristown, TN 37813


 Questions call Jefferson County Sanitation 865-397-3544

Sanitation Committee Meetings

Convenience Centers:

Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 8-5, unless noted.

Waste Accepted at Centers:

  •  Household bagged garbage 
  •  Recycling – paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, aluminumused oil 

Waste Accepted at Landfills:

  •  Household bagged garbage 
  •  Electronics 
  •  Appliances 
  •  Furniture 
  • Mattresses 
  •  Demolition material 
  •  Brush, leaves and small limb (Stumps are not accepted) 
  • Oil-based paints
  •  Dead animals for burial 
  •  Tires are accepted but must be removed from rims.  There is a $1.00 per tire disposal fee. 
  •  Recycling – cardboardplasticpaperused oil, metalaluminum 

Periodic hazardous collection days: household chemicals and other hazardous materials, which are designated by the state and advertised through the radio, newspaper, and flyers. 

Short-Term Dumpster Rental

The department provides six- or eight-yard dumpsters.  We offer weekly, bi-weekly and monthly pick-ups. Jefferson County Sanitation Department also rents six-, eight-, ten-, fifteen-, and thirty-yard dumpsters for construction or home clean-up projects. 

View PDF of 2024 Dumpster Rental Policy*

*There is a temporary price hike on the dumpsters during the course of the Class III/IV supsension, and customers will need to contact us directly for adjusted pricing. Because this pricing is temporary, we will not be advertising it.

Important Links

Documents below are available for view and download as a PDF.

Here is a link to Jefferson County TN’s GIS Information for those who may need it. This is website managed by the Jefferson County Geographic Information Systems Consortium Board.

Come work with us!

Use the button below to download an employment application. After downloading, please print, scan, and email either McKenzie Tucker ( or David Gaut ( your finished application. It can also be turned into our office on site at 650 Grove Rd Dandridge, TN 37725. Call us at 865-397-3544 if you have any questions.

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