The Highway Department provides maintenance for all county roads, issues new driveway permits, works with builders, paving companies and trucking companies to assure safe conditions on county roads. 

Construction of Roads/Streets in Jefferson County

To all developers, subdivision contractors, paving companies and all others constructing roads/streets in Jefferson County: If you are constructing a road/street that you want to be accepted as a county-maintained road, you are required to call this office prior to construction.

Notice to All Homeowners, Developers, Utility, Paving, Trucking, and Logging Companies Working in Jefferson County:

We are concerned about the safety and condition of our roads in Jefferson County. This notice is to advise all developers and paving, trucking, and logging companies: When hauling trucks use county roads they can cause damage, and repair costs can create a huge expense. Any utility company doing work on country roads is required to call us before digging on the right-of-way. It is not our intent to interfere with business; however, constant use from heavy trucks that result in damage to our roads will make you liable for needed repairs at your expense. You are required to contact our department prior to starting any work on county rightofways, and required to contact this office when using country roads as a haul road. 

Driveway Permits

If you are planning or are in the process of constructing a new driveway or road that connects to any county road, you are required to have a permit and may need to install a tile. This tile will prevent water damage to your driveway/road and to the county road system. There is no charge for the permit. Please contact us for a site visit and permit before construction.


Jefferson County Highway Department is not responsible for damage to any object placed on county right-of-ways that are not clearly visible to mowing crews. Permanent and temporary signs, phone pedestals, gas markers, cable lines, fences, flower beds, bushes, etc., that are on county right-of-ways require the owner to keep it maintained and cleared of high grass and brush.  

Highway Commissioners Meetings

Highway meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 7 pm in the Highway Department Office (located in the basement of the courthouse).  

Highway Commissioners 

Highway District 1 – Civil District 1, 2, 8

Brenda Morgan 865-437-0396

Highway District 2 – Civil District 5, 6, 7

A. Wayne Elmore      865-397-8921 
George “Aaron” Loy  865-202-2081

Highway District 3 – Civil District 4, 9, 10

Joel Smith    865-310-6178 
Matthew Courtney    865-719-8832

Highway District 4 – Civil District 3

John K. Turner 865-548-6465

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