Jefferson County Health Department COVID-19 Vaccination Event for 75+ and Phases 1A1 & 1A2
Visit the EVENTBRITE PAGE to register for this event.
Details below have been provided by that page; however, registration has been opened to include individuals 75 years of age and older.
The following registration is ONLY for first responders and healthcare staff who are eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccination as part of tier 1a1& 1a2 prioritization. This registration opportunity is being extended to tier 1a1 & 1a2 eligible agencies/employers which are in the following counties: Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson, Loudon, Monroe, Morgan, Roane, Scott, Sevier, Union.
A drive-thru or walk in vaccination clinic will be held in each county (Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson, Loudon, Monroe, Morgan, Roane, Scott, Sevier, Union).
Eligible individuals wishing to receive COVID-19 vaccination must be pre-registered . Registrants must enter a valid e-mail address and phone number as announcement of exact dates and location of the vaccination events will be sent through e-mail. Prepare for short notice of location and time for your county.
Please be prepared to show your registration confirmation ticket on the date of the event. If your agency issues a photo ID or other form of identification that note your affiliation, please bring that with you on the day of the vaccination event.
Please make every effort to attend the designated vaccination event in your county. If you miss the vaccination event for your county, the Department of Health cannot guarantee that vaccine will be readily available at later dates.
The Moderna vaccine requires a second dose to be administered 28 days after the first dose. The East Regional Office will hold a dedicated second round of vaccination events via the same process approximately 28 days after the first events. The first dose is a primer and a second dose confer immunity.
Be on alert for reminder e-mails for further details.
This is a reservation for the COVID-19 vaccine in one of the fifteen East TN counties for Phase 1a1 & 1a2.